Why honeymoon and what are these strange pictures?
In December a PhD student got in contact with us, asking for our help with her dissertation. We were quite surprised, as we couldn’t guess how we and our travelling could help her. It turned out that she is writing about Hungarian honeymoons in the past 50 years, and she asked us to tell him why this one year was our honeymoon. We thought we would share our reasons with you too (and as we are anyways late with reporting you about our trips in Hungary).
It’s a bit funny to call it a honeymoon, those that know us from before the journey, and during its organization know that we didn’t plan to call it a honeymoon. The first people to name it a honeymoon were our hosts, who asked us about our story, the road behind us, and when did we get married. When we told them when we got married, as it was shortly before we left, they kept saying that it must be our honeymoon that we are in. So we replied, well, it is our Honeyyear! So this notion got stuck with us. Then papers and other mediums grabbed and used it as it sounded so well: honeyyear!

But then we kept thinking about why this notion became so popular when talking about us and our journey. We came to the conclusion that this definition is not wrong if we consider the honeymoon the first stop into the marriage, one that is ahead planned to be full of memories, where the couple can sail back when in the future they would encounter hard times. Shortly the importance of the honeymoon: the couple should be together, focusing on each other, getting to know each other, really just caring about the better half. We can say that the honeymoon is a task without work, an artificially created situation, a period that is about pampering our partner with our attention, delicacy, care in a pleasant, touching, memorable environment; it is one way of getting to know the other, when all our attention is focused on caring about the other one, and getting to know them.
Why can our journey be called a honeymoon, honeyyear?
Because of how we cared about one another and we focused on getting to know each other truly, deeply. And (not because we are extreme or special) we wanted to take this knowledge about each other to a whole new level, so that we wouldn’t get to know the other through tales, luxury and comfort, but in a radical world, in awfully hard times sometimes. Even though we were really curious about the world, and the people living in other cultures, we went on our trip to get to know each other better, so that we weave the threads of our souls deeper in the other’s soul. We also both wanted to experience the base that we had together in the world, in ourselves, in each other, in other cultures.
- We trusted the Almighty, that he will lead us, that we don’t walk the Earth in vain
- We trusted the people, their kindness, good will, and openness, and that we will find our place among them no matter our whereabouts.
This is what we looked for in ourselves, the other and the world. This is why it was a honeyyear, we built our experience-memories pier; in the world, in the other, within ourselves.

So that we keep the memory of this one year and to keep building the pier of our marriage, when we got home we decided to celebrate our anniversaries with the help of our friends through a photo shoot. It may sound funny at first that each year we put on our wedding clothing, and we complete them with strange accessories (objects, things that represent the year behind us), but this is the way in which we would like to remember the vows that we made in 2013 to each other. This year the theme was given. You can see some pictures beneath and above.
Pictures of 2017
The topic: Our South American travels and the year we went zero waste.
We are grateful for these photos for our friend, Maria Fagyossi.